Implant Technology
Electronic tagging can be regarded as a more permanent form of identification than a smart card. Information on the holder can be read into a computer system. In a simple example, when a smart card or tag is presented, and the in dividual is recognised, machinery such as light or a door can operate depending on what the system thinks of that individual's status.
Going a step further, the individual could be implanted with silicon chip circuitry, which gives out a unique code, identifying the individual concerned. The potential of this technology is enormous. It is quite possible for an implant to replace an Access, Visa or bankers card. There is very little danger in losing an implant or having it stolen!
An implant could carry huge amounts of data on an individual, such as National Insurance number and blood type, blood pressure etc. allowing information to be communicated to on-line doctors over the internet.
Within businesses, there is the possiblity of individuals with implants could be clocked in and out of their office automatically. The exact location of an individual within a building would be known at all times and even whom they were with. This would make it easier to contact them for a message or an urgent meeting.
The technology could be extremely useful for car security. For example, unless a car recognised the unique signal from its owner, it would remain disabled.
Depending on how the technology is used, there are good and bad effects. So much of this smacks of the Big Brother. With an implant, a machine will know where an individual is, in a building, ...... at all times. You might not even be able to pay a visit to the toilet without a machine knowing about it. Is this really what we want?