TURING100 - celebrating 20th century mathematician Alan Turing through a special Turing Test contest in his centenary year, 2012.
Turing100 is part of the Alan Turing Year 2012: http://www.mathcomp.leeds.ac.uk/turing2012/
Turing100 team:
Professor Kevin Warwick - member of the Turing Centenary Advisory Committee (TCAC)
Huma Shah - member of the Turing Centenary Advisory Committee (TCAC)
Ian Bland
Chris Chapman
Marc Allen
Turing100 will stage a Turing Test contest at Bletchley Park, the place where Alan Turing broke codes during the second world war, on the centenary of his birth, Saturday 23rd June, 2012.
Over 150 Turing tests, 30 judges and 5 elite developers' machines assembled as part of the international Alan Turing centenary celebrations in the University of Reading's Turing test contest (granted London 2012 Inspire Mark for Education) on Turing's 100th birthday: Saturday 23 June 2012 in the Billiard Room at Bletchley Park .
Awards will be made at the end of the contest:
Winning Machine trophy from Turing’s birthplace, The Colonnade Hotel London
Best adult judge prize awarded by Reading University
Best child judge (10 - 17) will receive a Raspberry Pi computer
Other activities for visitors include taking the visual Turing test, and a computer themed infolab in the Drawing Room of the mansion:
- Price Waterhouse Coopers – Cybercrime, Threats and Vulnerabilities Management UK
- YOUSRC* – a great starting point for children to have fun learning computer programming * Dell are kindly sponsoring laptops for YOUSRC demonstration.
- Raspberry Pi - the inexpensive and programmable computer aimed at children
- Artificial Solutions – Virtual Assistants, Making Technology Think
- Daden Ltd. – Virtual Worlds and Chatbot-based Solutions
- Elzware Conversation Systems – Where Humanity Meets Technology
- Women In Technology – Information portal for female technologists *
If you are a school you can take part in London2012’s official education programme, Get Set. Find out more here: http://getset.london2012.com/en/home
Get started and play with YouSRC here: http://www.yousrc.com/index.asp?LEFTBUT=FIRST
Learn about Women in Technology here: http://www.womenintechnology.co.uk/about-us
Want to know how PwC is leading the way in information and cyber security? See here: http://www.pwc.co.uk/sustainability-climate-change/issues/sustainable-information-security.jhtml
Talk to chatbots here:
Abi virtual receptionist from Daden: http://www.daden-dev.co.uk/beta/chatbot/abi_3d.html
Sol from Artificial Solutions: http://www.artificial-solutions.com/
Get to know Teachbot from Elzware: http://www.teachbot.net/
BBC news video 'can robots 'think' like humans' : http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7666836.stm
2008 Turing tests/ Loebner Prize Results page: http://www.reading.ac.uk/research/Highlights-News/featuresnews/res-featureloebner.aspx
Other Alan Turing links:
The Alan Turing Year Homepage http://www.turing.org.uk/turing/
The Turing Digital Archive http://www.turingarchive.org/
The Turing Archive for the History of Computing http://www.alanturing.net/
Alan Turing Year on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/The-Alan-Turing-Year/199853901070
and http://en-gb.facebook.com/people/Alan-Turing-Year/100000473465821
Twitter: Turing100in2012
Turing100 blog: http://turing100.blogspot.com/